Did our normal 2 mile walk early this morning but Randy had a sore ankle so we walked very slow. I decided to walk again this afternoon. I am much quicker when I walk by myself—but it is not as much fun.
Getting faster on my walk
Karen and Randy's Travels in their MotorHome named "Dirt Yacht"
The Keys; Travel from November 2018 to May 2019
Did our normal 2 mile walk early this morning but Randy had a sore ankle so we walked very slow. I decided to walk again this afternoon. I am much quicker when I walk by myself—but it is not as much fun.
It is a little more than two months since we retired, and one month since we left Westminster, and so far we are loving being in Florida for the winter. Its no wonder there are so many snowbirds. And we are definitely looking forward to additional travels next year. I do miss our friends and family from home, but the warm weather is keeping us busy so we don’t have a chance to think about it too much.
Thoroughly enjoyed the Prime Rib and Seafood buffet tonight. Especially when they were offering 20 percent off if you showed the server their Facebook page. The only problem is that I am going to need to walk 6 miles tomorrow!
One of the biggest advantages about being in Florida over the winter is that I can be outdoors more than at home. Finding time to exercise is easy too.
Another gorgeous day in the Keys, even if slightly overcast in the morning. There are several anoles living on or near the palm tree in our yard. This one stayed still long enough that I could get a quick picture. I believe this is a non-native brown anole but i need a better picture to confirm.
Continue reading “Tarpon Belly Key 12/04/2018”After our morning walk we took the boat over to Summerland Key to spend a couple of hours exploring. Summerland is between Ramrod Key and Cudjoe Key. We only saw a few homes that appear to still have damage from Irma. This Key has lots of canals with gorgeous homes and lots of large boats. It even has a small private airport.
Continue reading “Summerland Key 12/03/2018”it is still windy here and its a little rough out on the water so we are spending the day catching up on some chores while enjoying the sunshine. Randy washed the Jeep and the boat. While he was washing the boat, he had a visitor. I assume the manatee recogized the sound of running water so came over to investigate. This one got close enough i could have reached out and touched. I didn’t try but i did get a few nice pictures.
Continue reading “Manatee came to visit 12/02/2018”Venture Out has a fun Christmas Golf Cart Parade. We had about 22 decorated carts drive through the community where some of the drivers threw out candy to the local children. This was our first time so i didn’t know about this part of the parade, but not everyone had candy so we weren’t the only ones that did not have anything to give. One nice part of the parade was that one of the homeowners had made several different types of shooters that they distributed to adult participants. The Bailey’s shooters were very good!!! Later in the evening they also had a Christmas tree lighting ceremony but we went out to dinner so didn’t get back in time to participate. I heard the cookies afterwards were very good.
Continue reading “Christmas Golf Cart Parade 12/01/2018”We have had small craft warnings for the last 2 days. The temperature has dropped down to the 60’s. Not cold but unusual for here. This is the “windy” season. The temp’s should climb back up tomorrow and get back in the 80’s for the weekend.
Continue reading “Small Craft Warnings Leaves Time to Decorate 11/29/2018”