We had a short drive to our next stop at the Downtown RV Park in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. We made stops at 2 different “Welcome to Yukon” signs for more photo ops. The first one was barely recognizable but the second one was a nice sign. During our travels on the Alaska Highway we cross back and forth about 7 times between British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. We noticed that British Columbia keeps a large area (about 600’) on each side of the road mowed that allows us to keep an eye out for wildlife. Once we crossed over to the highway maintained by the Yukon, we noticed this berm is allowed to grow up, which does make it more difficult to spot any wildlife. After the incident with the deer a few days ago, we are constantly looking for anything that will wonder out into the road. In the last couple of days, we have spotted several bears, bison, rabbits, deer and some type of wolf/coyote/dog that were not close enough to identify.
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